Benefits of Eating Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables
Things have started to pick up these past two weeks, now that we’re getting closer and closer to starting PA School.
Required readings, courses, and an exam on the very first day of classes have me all but in a tizzy.
Nonetheless, adopting a set routine everyday has kept me sane and in check, and I can especially appreciate the grocery list I’ve been maintaining each week.
I usually don’t stray too far from my regimented diet, however I’ve grown interested in the idea of prioritizing seasonal produce.
Let’s dive a little deeper…
Whether consciously or not, many of us are already eating seasonal fruits and vegetables; however, I wanted to remind you of the wider benefits that come with prioritizing them.
1. More nutrient dense
Many kinds of fruit are harvested before they're actually ripe and then artificially ripened many months later. This has the benefits of providing 'fresh' produce throughout the year, but vastly decreases their nutritional content.
Alternatively, some of our favorite fruits and veggies are frozen to be defrosted later (which, surprisingly, doesn't really make them fresh any more).
When you eat produce that are grown in their natural season, they're likely to be more nutrient-dense. This is because they've been harvested at their peak ripeness, and are able to fully develop their full nutrient profile.
2. They taste better
Similar to #1, when you harvest produce at their natural ripeness, you're also picking them at the peak flavor and texture. For many fruits and vegetables, this is due to being able to produce and develop their natural sugars.
You may have noticed this when taking a “free sample” of a grape at the store and having them be mushy or bland when out of season.
3. Supports local farmers
Now more than ever, supporting our local farmers is so important for their livelihood and the local economy.
By eating local, seasonal foods, you're helping to promote your regional food systems. Not only that, but you reduce the reliance on imported, and often lower quality goods.
4. Reduce carbon footprint
Eating seasonal foods is also great for the environment as well.
Produce that’s grown out of season requires high-energy methods such as heating greenhouses or long-distance transportation. However, by choosing to eat locally-grown, seasonal produce, you’re supporting a more sustainable food system and reducing your environmental impact.
5. The cost is cheaper
For some, this may be the primary reason why you may be already buying seasonal produce.
For the economic reasons I stated previously, out of season produce is more expensive to transport, thus the prices increase are out local grocery store.
However, seasonal produce tends to be significantly cheaper, making it a great option when creating our weekly grocery list.
In the end, whether it’s for financial reasons or now, consuming seasonal fruits and veggies have an immense amount of benefits.
Before you leave, here’s a link to the list and official guide of Seasonal Produce.
Be well and Keep Pluggin.