Focus on the Controllables.

What are you currently worried about?
Importantly, is this something you can actually take care of right now?
I know, there may be quite a lot to worry about at the moment.
Pick something in your life that is coming up that you need to perform well at.
Perhaps you have an exam, an interview, a big presentation, a meeting, or a course.
These all may seem very stressful at first, but I’ve recently discovered that there are levels to how you can tackle your worries.
There are three specific layers we can potentially tap into when we worry about something:
1. Things We Cannot Change
2. Things We Can Influence
3. Things We Can Control

Things We Cannot Change
The harsh reality is, that many of us, including myself, spend far too much time worrying about the things we cannot control.
I see this far too often in every aspect of life.
For some, it may be willing the weather to be favorable during an event or praying to the gods that the gym isn’t too busy.
For others, it may be any number of ‘what if’ disasters related to memories of the past or dread of future outcomes.
But, why do so many of us waste time on things we have no control over?
We cannot change the environment, the weather, what has happened in the past, or what may happen in the future.
Many of the “what ifs” our minds create waste time and energy, both of which we’ll never get back.
Acknowledging and moving toward our control of the controllables in our lives is a much more empowering strategy.
Things We Can Influence
This layer bridges what we can control and what we cannot in life.
For example, being healthy is not something within our control, but we can influence it by training and eating well.
We cannot control the perspectives of what people think of us in social situations, but we can influence those outcomes by creating a good rapport with people and keeping a good reputation.
You see, this layer of the game is the middle area between the things out of our control and the things we can do to influence something in our favor.
Things We Can Control
Look away and answer this question before you read on.
What are the things that you think you can control in your life right now?
Realistically they all ultimately boil down to what happens in our mind with our thoughts and the beliefs we commit to.
There are so many more controllable factors in our lives than we may think.
Our attitude is something we can control but our attitude is based on many beliefs and thoughts we have decided to accept in some way.
We can control the level of passion and effort we bring to the things we experience in life and what we decide to commit our focus and attention to.
Remember this if you find yourself in a moment of nervousness or anxiety:
Think of what you have been focusing on and ask yourself are you in control of the controllables at that moment?
If not, what are the controllables in that aspect of your life?
How can we commit to focusing on the controllables?
Write a list of all the things that you can take action on right now and then circle one and get to work.
Examples of things we can control:
- Our response to situations
- Our motivation
- Our planning and strategizing
- Our attention and what we budget that attention to
- The energy we create within ourselves through diet, exercise, and mental wellbeing
Examples of things outside our control:
- Weather/temperature
- Outside influences/unknowns
- Bosses/officials/hierarchy
- Other peoples opinions/thoughts
- Enemies/competitors
- Past and future
🏁 In the end…
When you find yourself worrying about a situation in your life, take a step back and remind yourself of these facts.
First, you must become aware of the fact you’re focused on factors that are outside your control.
Once you realize this, choose a go-to routine or mantra that will trigger and help you focus back on things that are within your control.
Things you can actually act upon right now.
Take note of the uncontrollables in your life that often cross your mind.
Create a specific reminder that you can reference that will take you back and alter your state of being back to an empowered state of control of your life and structure.
Until Next Time,
P.S. Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you:
- Follow me on Twitter (X) and Instagram for more on improving the body, mind, & environment.
- Help me create a resource that will benefit your journey here.