Life update & New challenges

Welp, if you’re reading this through email, I apologize…
This is the first essay that I’ve sent out that’s way past my normal "Saturday at 10 AM" sending time.
However, this late submission is due to a few things, which I actually plan on touching upon in this week's essay, so this essay will be a little unorthodox.
Nonetheless, here we are!
Let’s dive in.
This week I wanted to give you 2 life updates and then provide you with some insight on where I’m at mentally, etc. at the end.
1. I just completed my first week of PA school!
Even typing that sentence out doesn’t feel real.
I’ve spent many years completing prerequisite courses, taking exams, writing application essays, and stressing about becoming a PA…
Now here we are, starting my final step towards achieving this goal.
During the years leading up to PA school, "everyone and their mother" told me about the rigor and demand required of PA school and I will not lie to you, they weren’t f–ing kidding!
The first 5 days of my program consisted of one exam, six 100+ PowerPoint slide lectures, and a lot of hours stressing.
But the optimistic side of my brain is telling me this… “Dude, you’re finally in school studying to become a licensed Physician Assistant”.
I’m finally in the part of life that consists of taking courses I’m actually interested in and will further my career, as opposed to some random ‘gen ed’ course back in undergrad.
These next 2 years of school will most assuredly be a “doozy”, but it will also be two of the most rewarding years of my life–and I’m excited to finally get started.
2. I’m BOOKED!
Because of this new life endeavor, my daily schedule now consists of:
a. Gym
b. Class
c. Study
d. Eat
e. Sleep
f. Repeat–7 days a week, every week.
Due to this newly acquired schedule, I’ve found very little time to work on my favorite “hobby”–creating content.
I haven’t posted anything on YouTube or Instagram for the past 2 weeks because of this new chapter in life.
Hell, I still have to edit my First Half Marathon Race Day YouTube vlog, which I ran back in NOVEMBER of 2024...
My goal is to somehow find a way to study my ass off for school, but also find time to work on things that are not related to medicine, and also make me happy (aka going to the gym and creating content).
We’ll figure it out soon enough.
If you’re still reading this, I thank you and I want to at least provide you with some “value” in this essay.
Despite this new chapter in my life, I’ve realized one thing is the most important of all…
Yes, school is rigorous. Yes, time management has become a challenge. And yes, “fun time” has become a bit more scarce.
Nonetheless, I’ve realized it’s still important to take a step back mentally and realize the situation I’ve put myself in.
We need adversity and challenges in life to grow.
Without challenging times, you remain stagnant in life--which never leads to anything good.
So I'm grateful to be in a program as rigorous as my PA program. I’m grateful to be in a scenario where I need to evolve in order to overcome adversity.
This means I’m on the right path in life and there’s a major reward waiting for me on the other side of the mountain.
In the end, I encourage you to also embrace every instance of adversity that pops up in your life.
And if you’ve noticed that you haven’t overcome any challenges recently, then I encourage you to tackle something hard. Something you’re scared to endure.
Run a half marathon, go out and join a new club, just do something that makes you nervous.
Here’s to new beginnings and challenges!
Be well and Keep Pluggin.